Kumejima Model Project

Artist Rendition of MW Scale OTEC and DSW Use, Kumejima Town

Status: In Development

The Kumejima Model is a project developed in Japan based on a Feasibility Study and further studies.

Project Overview

With the largest water intake in Japan, the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center (ODRC) has used the natural deep seawater resource to foster technology and industry development in such areas as cosmetics, water, food, and tourism. The ODRC’s work has led to the creation of many new opportunities including new jobs and economic benefits, becoming a central part of the local community. In addition to research in cold-use agriculture and energy, the expansion of resources is expected to lead to new industries as well.

Combining the success of these current industries and looking ahead to the future, the “Kumejima Model” has been created to advance the use of deep seawater in order to create new jobs, increase self-sufficiency in food and energy, and reduce the carbon footprint in a community model that is both economically and practically viable for islands and communities in Japan and abroad.

The establishment of the Kumejima Model is dependent on installation of expanded capacity seawater intake.


  • Scale: 100,000m3/day intake of Surface and Deep Seawater
  • Major Components: 1MW Scale Onshore OTEC, Expansion of Current Kumejima Deep Seawater Related Industries, Cascade Use
  • Location: Kumejima, Okinawa, Japan
  • Expected Completion: TBD
  • Status: Studied | Proposed
  • Developers: Kumejima Town Government via the Global Ocean reSource and Energy Association Institute
  • Inquiries: admin [a] gosea.info (Replace [a] with @)


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